@FallingGiants @TABsalad I'm truly sorry for your mother's passing and the troubled times you are going through. I dont think there is any one piece of advice that i could give to you that would make you feel complete. I often seek happiness through the happiness of others. Leaving a nice comment in a revew, makes me feel happy. At the same time opening up dialoge with artist, and expanding your pressence on the site. Many of my fans came to know me from a review i left. I dont know, to be an artist is to be stuck in your own head, frustrated and never quite satisfied (a lot), our progression at times can be so minute that we feel stagnated, but there is progression and many things to be proud of. Artist are also very timid and shy (for the most part) and usually need a bit of help to break out of their bubble. Many of the things you feel, towards your self, your art, and life are often felt by many others, seek commonality in that. Covid's placed an extra vale of sorrow on the world, and makes times seem even bleaker. Take it back to the start, man. Reconnect with the things that made you want to make art, the stuff that inspired you, that made you happy. (( i suck at spelling and texed on my phone, sorry for any weird mistakes, lol)). When it comes to my life. I'm a tween animator for kids cartoons, i have very little exsperience in traddtion animation, which is what i want to do. Everyday i find myself, being frustated, board and angry. Im often jealous of many of the artist here who are much better then me and much younger. But when im done a scene and see it move it becomes a little more worth it. I'm slowly getting to where i want want to be, but dear god life likes to through a lot of curve balls, mostly sickness of me and my family. Ive started setting smaller life goals, one being particapating in New Ground's art contests. I find it keeps me focused (peramiters to make art, as well as a deadline to aim for). My next goal is to join an animation colab. Ive also have a larger dream to pitch a show wayyyyyyyy down the line. So take baby steps. If you keep moving forward you will eventualy come to a better place. Herd that in a cartoon, lol. Man i love cartoons. Good luck, and message me if you need to chat.
In what way, buddy?
On all the platforms Im on I have been running in place on the bottum rung. When I started My mom was going for her 1st cancer treatments. Now she is just a vase on a shelf. Years have gone by. Nothing ever took off. Never made any connections. Never made a dime. I just see failure and a vase on a shelf.